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What is Redirect Blog

What is Redirect Blog

redirect blog is a blog that when in the open then the blog will go to other blogs on the go. For example Abda open a blog and blogs are switching to another blog, then it was called blog redirect. In writing this article, I say thank you for the info from Kang Rohman gave information about how to redirect the manufacture of the blog. Redirect Blog itself has benefits that attract traffic by force. If you want to create a Redirect Blog, the following script:


Save the above code between <head> .... </head>

Hopefully useful. To find examples please CLICK HERE

10 things women wish to be heard

10 things women wish to be heard

Women are creatures of God who is very sensitive. He was very eager to get attention from her partner. But many couples who do not even understand how to treat the him. Here's how to make her happy by saying the words that make him happy. Here are 10 things women wish to be heard:

1. "How was your day?"
When you ask this question to the pair, who comes to mind is the partner you want to know the activity which he did starting from 9 am to 5 pm. So do not blame the partner if he talked at length about its activities throughout the day. But on the bright side is, couples find that you are a lover of attention and ready to become the best friend to share all stories.

2. "I can not believe how sexy you look!"
If you express this, the couple had in mind is that you do indeed consider themselves attractive. Usually a lot of women who love to be praised like this and on the bright side is praise such as this can increase self-confidence pairs.

3. "How do you feel about [anything]?"
This question shows that you have a concern for him. As we know, women like to be considered by the opposite sex, especially spouses.

4. "You're prettier Than your girlfriends"
Perhaps this praise is the praise of the most powerful way to toss your partner's ego. Compliments also shows that you give a high rating for himself. However we recommend that you do not often reveal this praise for the he did not think you're bragging.

5. "You're really smart"
With praise cleverness, it shows that you know his personality is as good as you get to know his physical. It makes her feel appreciated and you do not make him solely a mere sex object which means you also respect him as a good woman. Women like a gentleman and being male, in this case means that you have met both these requirements.

6. "You're great in bed"
Believe that this statement makes it like a goddess in Asmara. Usually, women like to get praise like this because it meant he knew exactly how to satisfy their partners in bed. By giving praise about their performance in bed, indicate that for you sex is not limited to orgasm, but you appreciate every effort and maneuvers which he did for you on the bed.

7. "I want to Spend my life with you"
This is a phrase with deep meaning. This sentence is usually expressed by men who are ready to enter the stage of a more serious relationship. Better prepare yourself to face the consequences of the statement you are saying. If you do feel the he is your soulmate, please express your deepest heart's content. Another similar sentence that you can express is "Only you can be a happy me" or "I do not want to share my life with others."

8. "You're my best friend "
As we know, man can not live without her friends. Generally, men are also more fun to share stories and problems with her friends. So if a man says to his partner with a sentence like this means he has found a place to share the most suitable for him.

9. "You'll make a great mother"
Married and have children is the dream of every woman but also many women who doubt whether they could be a good wife and mother for his family later. By revealing a sentence like this, you give him the confidence to build and develop together with your household. It also can soothe the inner side of the couple.

10. "You make my life complete"
For women, this sentence means that he is the only woman in the life of their partner. Every woman always want to hear words like this from their partner. For men alone, this sentence means that they have received the full presence of their partner.

Love Test

For those of you who like to try to match your heart with your spouse, please try this one widget. Although this is just a game, please try ... but the most important thing is do not trust these widgets because every match is in the hands of God.

test cinta anda
Test kecocokan anda dan pasangan disini dengan memasukkan kedua nama di kotak yang tersedia kemudian klik calculate !

this is just for fun ....



If you like it and want to install in your blog, please copy the following script:


from :

Final Fantasy coolest character

Final Fantasy coolest character

Final Fantasy is a fantasy RPG game of the coolest I've ever played. Besides having a very good storyline, and make us always curious fact Final Fantasy also has unique characteristics contained in the final fantasy characters. Let's see the appearance of the characters of Final Fantasy ... very cool right? here's some finalfantasy characters coolest :

Tifa Lockhart - Final Fantasy VII






Cid-emerged in several serial FF







Snow Villiers - Final Fantasy XIII







Aeris Gainsborough - Final Fantasy VII







 Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy VII







SEPHIROT - Final Fantasy VII

Vincent Valentine - Final Fantasy VII


How To Make Your Partner Happy

How To Make Your Partner Happy

for all my friends who have or have not yet mate, I have a little reference for all of us how to treat us with a good pair. The couple we would really want to be pleased his heart. If you feel confused or feel unable to fun the heart of the lover, please try these tips to make your spouse happy:

1. Give a special surprise
In this way a lot done by many couples. So do not hesitate to try this trick. Give him a surprise by giving the goods he wants.

2. Tell him if you come late
This is also a must do by any couple. Do not make your partner wait. Give him the news if you terlamabat with obvious reasons he was not angry so much less to be disappointed

3. Going on holiday together, although a brief but romantic:
yupz ... vacation is one that is very useful tricks. Invite your partner on holiday to a place to enjoy time alone

4. Say how much you miss when you go:
Each partner will definitely miss her partner, as well as my longing to my lover:). Say all the time to show that you really cherish and love your partner.

5. Do not ever forget her birthday:
It also is one that must be addressed. Do not let you forget. If you forget then you've hurt her feelings.

6. When holding hands, not to weaken your grip:
during a date or the streets and if you're hand in hand, your girlfriend's hand denagn gandenglah strong. This shows you are so romantic to her.

7. Praise him
Anything as bad as your partner, you still have to appreciate and praise him because it means your partner and you have chosen him for yourself

That's a few tips from me to make your partner happy. Hope can be useful. If you do not agree with me that is your right. This article is just for reference only. Good luck.